February 2016

#16-10 (02/29/16)

New from ECM

Recent releases from this often experimental label give us some contemporary takes on music from the past, including Gesualdo, Machaut, and music from the Armenian tradition.

Composer: Brett Dean, Erkki-Sven Tüür, Komitas Vardapet (1869-1935)

CD Info: ECM 2447, ECM 2452, ECM 24551

#16-09 (02/22/16)

Francis I–Music of a Reign

The new boxed set and book dedicated to the French monarch with the Ensemble Doulce Mémoire.


CD Info: CD ZZT 357,

#16-08 (02/15/16)

Three from England

Consort music of Christopher Tye, Dowland’s Book 2, and a lovely program from Nigel North .

Composer: Christopher Tye (ca. 1505-ca. 1572), John Taverner (ca. 1490-1545), John Dowland, Francis Cutting, Anthony Holborne, William Byrd, John Johnson, John Danyel, Daniel Batchelar, Thomas Robinson, Edward Collins

CD Info: CPO CD 777 897-2, DUX CD 1192, Linn CD BK 176.

#16-07 (02/08/16)

Three Eras of Love Songs

For the time of Valentine’s, love songs from the middle ages, Renaissance, and the early French Baroque.

Composer: Martin Codax, VivaBiancaLuna Biffi, Ken Zukerman, Juan del Enzina (1468-1529), Girard de Beaulieu, Pierre-Francisque Carroubel, Jean Boyer, Pierre Guédron, Didier Le Blanc, Fabrice-Marin Caiétain, Lorenzini, Guillaume Costeley, Adrian Le Roy.

CD Info: CD A 390, CD CHR 77397, Alpha CD 213.

#16-06 (02/01/16)

Two from the Rose Ensemble

The viol gives us music from the Lowlands around 1500, and, in a collaboration with the Marian Consort, music from the Baldwin Partbooks.

Composer: Hugh Aston, John Baldwin, Bevin, Byrd, Ferrabosco, A.I., Derrick Gerarde, Hollander, C., Lasso, William Mundy, Parsons, R., John Sheppard., Tallis , Tavener.

CD Info: CD DCD34169, Delphian CD34160.

Please check back for updates. We are rescuing our classic shows from 2005 and earlier.