Are you having trouble giving a Gift Subscription to Millennium of Music?
Please feel free to contact us; we are always happy to help.
The information below may also be of use.
How to fill out the form for a Gift Recipient
A gift subscription can be confusing, because you must fill in your own information for most of the fields, but not all.
This graphic shows which fields should be your information, and which should be for your gift recipient.
Can You Give Anonymously?
Unfortunately, no. Our merchant processing system will actually send automated email receipts to your recipient, which include your name, address, and the last four digits of the card used. We cannot disable these receipts or reroute them to you, which is rather frustrating.
If You Have Problems
The only hitch with this system is that if your card expires, you'll need to log in with your recipient's information in order to update your billing info. Normally, you can reset the password by using your email address, but in this case, the reset will go to the recipient's email address.
However, if you have a login problem like this, just contact us. Once we've confirmed your identity, we can reset the password directly to your email address.
In the future, we'd like to have a gift subscription system that is a bit more seamless. But this is how it works with our current system. Thanks so much for wanting to share this gift of music!