Suzi Digby is back, and most happily for us, has generously agreed once again to celebrate Advent with us by sharing her new recording, The Mystery of Christmas.
And as a special treat just for our Millennium fans, she's allowing us to email you a free Advent song every day from Dec 6th through Dec 24th.
DAY SEVEN: Richard Allain’s strong Christian faith and long association with choral music (including the National Youth Choirs) has led him to take the iconic Coventry carol and offset the meter (and moving to triple time); this creates a kind of frailty and even hesitancy to the original, perhaps in keeping with our own times.
Also remember that Suzi would like to offer you a copy of her new recording as a free gift if you:
- Join Millennium of Music as a Bronze or higher member with a new membership.
- Upgrade your current membership to Silver or Gold.
- Or give a gift membership for a friend or loved one.
So, apparently, Suzi Digby is Santa Claus! At least for us!