February 2017
#17-10 (02/27/17)Sacred Baroque Italy
New recordings of works by Caldara, Alessandro Scarlatti, and the recently edited work by the monk Sisto Reina.
Composer: Sisto Reina, Alessandro Scarlatti, Antonio Caldara
CD Info: CD TC 621801, CD A398, CD ROP6118
#17-09 (02/20/17)
Alpha White Label
For a while the amazing French label allowed groups to experiment—Sephardic music, Andalusian melodies, and some visionary work by Christina Pluhar.
Composer: Sayed Darwish, Marc Lavry, Athanasius Kircher, Matteo Salvatore, Alfio Antico, Lucilla Galeazzi, Ambrogio Sparagna, Don Francisco Xavier Cid, Giuseppe De Vittorio
CD Info: Alpha CD 512, Alpha CD 511, Alpha CD 503
#17-08 (02/13/17)
Three from Brilliant
A Vespers for St. Barbara, music for organ and percussion, and the first of many new releases for the Monteverdi 450th.
Composer: Amante Franzoni (1575-1630), Giovanni Picchi, Marco Cavazzoni, Gioseffo Guami, Christofano Malvezzi, Giovanni Trabaci, Monteverdi
CD Info: CD 95344, CD 95384, CD 95348
#17-07 (02/06/17)
Italian Madrigals at the Cusp of the Baroque
In time for Valentine’s Day, some madrigals of love from around 1600
Composer: Andrea Gabrieli (1532/33 – 1585), Marco Antonio Mazzone (1556-1626), Giovanni Valentini ( 1582/3- 1649)
CD Info: CD CRC 3471, CD 95416, CD FCR908.