September 2024

#24-39 (09/23/24)

Three 17th Century Projects from Jordi Savall

We have neglected some of the releases (all now beautifully re-issued) of Jordi’s early Baroque work, including the orchestra of Louis XIII, settings of La Follia, and Scottish music played on viol.


CD Info:

#24-38 (09/16/24)

Hieronymus Praetorius and Weser-Renaisssance

While not related to the more-famous Michael (who he actually visited), this Praetorius has recently been championed with a series of recordings, including Manfred Cordes’ excellent ensemble.


CD Info:

#24-37 (09/09/24)

The Sword and the Lily

Recently-formed ensemble Fount & Origin and director James Tomlinson gives us music inspired by Rogier van den Weyden’s altarpiece “The Last Judgment at the End of Time."


CD Info:

#24-36 (09/02/24)

Chartres 1000

The first structure dates back to the 4th century, but the genesis for the rebuilding of the Cathedral of Chartres by Bishop Fulbert celebrates its millenary in a celebration starting this year on September 8 and runs through next August 15.


CD Info:

Please check back for updates. We are rescuing our classic shows from 2005 and earlier.