700th Birthday of Switzerland – July 1991

Program: #91-29   Air Date: Jul 15, 1991

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NOTE: This classic show has recently been rescued and digitized from an ancient tape. The playlist below was originally typed or handwritten; if you notice any errors in our transcription, please let us know.

  1. Bell of Wagenhausen, Thurgau. Swiss Broadcasting Corporation Musica Helvetica Program No. 1.
  2. Notker Balbulus: Psallat Ecclesia Mater. Father Roman Bannwart. Same source as above.
    Notker Balbulus: Sanctus spiritus assit nobis gratia. Choral Schola of the Monastery of Einsiedeln/Fr. Roman Bannwart. Musica Helvetica Program No. 51.
  3. Tuotilo of St. Gall: Hodie cantandus. Silvia and Walter Frei. FONO EP FGL-25-4315.
    Anon.: Kyrie, Cunctipotens Genitor. Choral Schola of the Monastery of Einsiedeln/Fr. Roman Bannwart. Same source as No. 1.
  4. Julius Speratus: Disticon in filomela.
    Rudolf von Fenis: Minne gebuitet mir, dazu ich singe.
    Silvia and Walter Frei. FONO EP FGL-25-4321.
    Rudolf von Fenis: Nun ist nich mere. As above, FONO 25-4315.
    Konrad von Wurzburg: Des soltu clein geniessen. FONO 25-4315.
    Meister Poppe: O hoer unde starker almechtiger got. FONO 25-4321.
    Heinrich von Loufenberg: Ich wollt das ich doheime wer. FONO 25-4315.
  5. Anon. (from Fribourg, late 13th c.): Ave virgo virginum. FONO 25-4315.
    Anon. (from Engelberg, 1372): Gaudens in Domino.
    Ad regnum epulentum. FONO 25-4315.
    Salve pater nominum.
    Unicornis captivatur. FONO 25-4321.
  6. Anon.: St. Magnus Hymn.
    Anon. (from Robertsbridge Codex, c. 1325): Estampie for Organ.
    Perotin: Hec dies; Deo confitemini/Domino.
    E. Power Biggs, organ of Valere Cathedral, Sion.
    Musica Helvetica Program No. 31.
  7. Anon.: Canzun de Sontga Margriata. As above, FONO 25-4321.
  8. Huldrych Zwingli: Herr, nun selbst den Wagen halt.
    Grossmunster Cathedral Singers, Zurich Jacob Kobelt. FONO EP FGL-25-4312.

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.