Program: #21-16 Air Date: Apr 12, 2021
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A minnesinger and his “vale of tears,” the third in the Mare Balticum series, and works from the Squarcialupi Codex.
I. Neidhart: A Minnesinger and his “Vale of Tears” (Ensemble Leones/Marc Lewon). Naxos CD 8.572449.

Instead, the effective singing voices of Els Janssens-Vanmunster and Marc Lewon (who also plays both lute and vielle) and the vielle and bagpipe of Baptiste Romain consistently yet unselfconsciously direct our attention to the at times almost slightly naïve – certainly somewhat resigned – tenor of these beautiful songs… Willekomen sumerweter süeze [tr.6], for instance, makes no attempt to overplay its simple message: summer is here but the joys it brings seem somehow transitory. Neidhart earned his epithet, von Reuenthal, (literally "vale of tears") somewhat erroneously in the 19th century. It's preferable, rather, to understand his musical and ideological stances in their own right: those of a somewhat detached observer of medieval life in the way that Chaucer was, or Boccaccio.
Indeed, throughout this just over an hour-long CD, there is an element of surprise – almost… "this is how I see the world, in all its beauty and wonder. My response to what I see is as valid as what I see". If you accept that we've in part lost that relationship with the world, it's all the more difficult to recreate it in performance now. But a humility and technical expertise by the members of Ensemble Leones work admirably and drive completely into the essence of this wonderful music. Their tempi and phrasing balance contemplation with certainty, wonder with forbearance, and the articulation of the texts – as said, clarity itself – produces the most felicitous and persuasive blend of acceptance with humor. These are songs that are built upon a Vale of Tears, for sure. But as Gegensang, anti-Minnesang. The conventions of courtly love and the troubadours are turned on their head. Not as pastiche or overdone parody. Still less as satire. But surely inviting – as did Shakespeare – his noble listeners to examine how far from the ideals celebrated in their culture they had departed. Neidhart's protagonists are the rural poor with apparent pretensions to such courtly ideals. Yet they fail.
But the complexity goes deeper still: Neidhart tended to classify songs into Winter and Summer "moods" with many of the obvious (and some less obvious) connotations. So there is a kind of "code" of associations, hints, direct criticism and endorsement of mores, glosses, commentaries and self-expression. But all filtered, one knows, through the mind of a very astute and sensitive observer. It is exactly this complexity in all its paradoxically simple demonstration that the three performers of Ensemble Leones have achieved so effectively and seemingly effortlessly here. Their own singing bridges the gap between sharp observer and imaginative creator: they make both necessary. Yet fresh. The manuscript the Ensemble has used is the earliest surviving collection, the Frankfurt Neidhart-Fragment of about 1300. Given its poor and incomplete state of preservation, substantial reconstruction has been necessary.
The CD's booklet is informative, particularly on this text and its provenance, use and adaptation; it's well up to Naxos' usual standards. The full texts of all the works on the CD can be downloaded as a PDF accessible from
NEIDHART (c.1185-c.1240)
Cantilena 'Der han' [2:33] +
Mir ist ummaten leyde [5:28]*
Summer unde winder [7:46]*
Clausula (with material from 13th century English monodies) [3:53] +
Sinc eyn gulden hoen - +Stantipes 'Der munich' [7:40]*
Willekome eyn sommerweter suze [5:54]*
Ich claghe de blomen [9:28]*
Allez daz den sumer' [7:04]*
Walther VON DER VOGELWEIDE (c.1170-c.1230)
Vil wol gelopter got (completed by Marc Lewon) [3:10]*
Adam DE LA HALLE (c.1237-c.1288)
Je muir, je muir [1:35]*
Guoten wib wol uch der eren (from Jena Liederhandschrift, 14th century) [5:47]*
Muteta 'Non veul mari' (from a 13th century motet) [1:48]+
Stantipes 'Der hedamerschol' (from a 13th century motet) [2:31]+
II. Mare Balticum Vol. 3: Wizlav von Rügen (Ensemble Peregrina/Agnieszka Budzińska-Bennett). Tacet CD S 261.

Vve ich han ghedacht
Loybere Risen
Dem kuninghe Nabughodonosor / Daz guldin hoybet (Spruch - Ton I)
Uvol dan her meyie
Ich wende buwen / Tzù Rome / Mir geschit (Spruch - Ton I)
Ich partere dich
De erde ist vntslozen
Manich scimphit (Spruch - Ton III)
Nach der senenden claghe
A herre ghot (Spruch - Ton I)
[Ein wechter von der zinne] / List du in der minne dro
Der Vnghelarte
Ich warne dich (Spruch - Ton IV)
Nu rate (Spruch - Ton I)
De voghelin
Saghe an du boser man / Dise heylighe tzit (Spruch - Ton II)
Menschen kint / O Maria / Ich wil bitten (Spruch - Ton I)
Meyie scone
Der herbest kumpt
Uvol vph ir stolzen helde
Uvol vph ir stolzen helde (Estampie)
III. O tu cara sciença mie musica: Works from the Squarcialupi Codex (Tetraktys). Olive Music CD om 007.

The vast Codex only contains secular works by 14 composers that all worked permanently or at least intermittently in Florence. It is strictly arranged according to composer, and chronologically: the oldest, Giovanni da Cascia at the beginning, the youngest, Andrea de Florentia at the end. Many of the songs on this CD are premiere recordings.
1. O tu cara sciença mie musica (Madrigale a 2) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
04:19 | |
2. Una colomba (Madrigale a 2) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
05:18 | |
3. Dolgomi a voi maestri (Madrigale a 3) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
03:46 | |
4. I'credo ch'i' dormia (Madrigale a 2) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
05:14 | |
5. In forma quasi (Caccia) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
01:50 | |
6. O sommo specchio (Madrigale a 3) (instrumental) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
03:35 | |
7. Non correr troppo (Ballata a 3) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
06:32 | |
8. Ricorditi di me (Ballata a 3) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
02:30 | |
9. Inperiale sedendo (Madrigale a 3) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
05:53 | |
10. La doulse çere (Madrigale a 2) (instrumental) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
03:11 | |
11. Pianto non partirà (Ballata a 3) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
05:50 | |
12. Sotto candido vel (Ballata a 3) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
03:09 | |
13. Donna, bench'i mi parta (Ballata a 3) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
04:09 | |
14. Presunzion da ignorança (Ballata a 3) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
03:12 | |
15. Perché veder non posso (Ballata a 3) (instrumental) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
02:20 | |
16. E più begli occhi (Ballata a 3, Sandra) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
05:04 | |
17. Dè, che farò, signore? (Ballata a 3) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
03:18 | |
18. Non più doglie ebbe Dido (Ballata a 3) artists: ' Tetraktys Tetraktys' |
05:58 |
Composer Info
Neidhart von Reuenthal (c.1185-1240), Walther VON DER VOGELWEIDE (c.1170-c.1230), Adam DE LA HALLE (c.1237-c.1288), Wizlav von Rugen (c. 1268-1325), Giovanni da Cascia (fl. mid 14th c.), Gherardellus de Florentia (c.1320/25-1362/63?), Laurentius d.a. da Firenze (d.1372/1373), Vincenzo da Rimini (fl. mid 14th c.), Nicolaus de Perugia (fl. 2nd half 14th c.), Bartolino da Padova (fl. c.1365 and c.1405), Andreas Horganista de Florentia (?-c.1415)
CD Info
Naxos CD 8.572449, Tacet CD S 261, Olive Music CD om 007.