Program: #04-02 Air Date: Jan 05, 2004
NOTE: All of the music on this program is from the recording Codex Engleberg 314, with the Chorus of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis directed by Dominique Vellard and Wolf Arlt.
This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:
It is a collection of sacred music from the German-speaking world collected at the Benedictine Monastery of Engleberg in the remote valley at the foot of the Titlis at the time of the Black Death. Support for these programs comes in part from the Cultural Section of the Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, D.C. (, with additional support from Pro Helvetia, the Arts Council of Switzerland (
- Inter natos—O Johannes ("O John, teach us today the right way").
- Herz und sinne ("Heart and mind, help me praise the chosen virgin").
- Alleluia—O Maria rubens rosa ("O Mary, blushing rose").
- Unicornis captivatur ("The Unicorn is captured").
- Vroet uch alle geloubigu lute (Rejoice all ye faithful with loud praise").
- Ad decus ecclesie (Reading from Revelation).
- Conductus: O Maria rubens rosa ("O Mary, blushing rose").
- Kyrie fons bonitatis ("Source of all goodness").
- Veni sancte spiritus ("Come, Holy Spirit").
- Salve pater—Exaudi ("Hear us, gift of the earth"/"Hail, Father of the peoples").
- Procedentum sponsum ("The prophet has written").
- Illibata virgo—Egregia sponsa ("Exquisite bride of Christ"/"Virgin chaste").
- Alleluia—V. Inclite dux Benedicte ("Benedict, famous duke").
- In illo tempore (Reading from the Gospel of Luke).
- Media vita in morte—Ach homo ("In the midst of life we are in death"/"Alas, o man").
- Alma redemptoris mater—Marie virginis ("Blessed mother of the Redeemer").
- Lobt all zungen des eren richen ("All tongues, praise the glory").