Easter Tenth Anniversary Special with Fr. Jerome Weber

Program: #89-13   Air Date: Mar 26, 1989

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NOTE: This classic show has recently been rescued and digitized from an ancient tape. The playlist below was originally typed or handwritten; if you notice any errors in our transcription, please let us know.

All: Schola Gregoriana of the Robert Schumann Institute of Düsseldorf

Dir: Karlheinrich Hodes

  1. Gradual for Easter: Haec Dies — with each verse, Sunday to Friday. (Mottette M-50140).
  2. Alleluia for Easter: Pascha Nostrum (M-50430).
  3. Offertory for Easter (Monday): Angelus Domini (M-50470).
  4. Introit for the 3rd Sunday of Easter: Jubilate Deo (M-50440).
  5. Alleluia for 3rd Sunday in Easter: Oportebat Pati (50430).
  6. Communio for 3rd Sunday in Easter: Cantate Domino (50490).
  7. Introit for 5th Sunday in Easter: Cantate Domino.
  8. Kyrie 1 (for Easter): (M-50450).
  9. Gloria 1 (for Easter): (M-50500).
  10. Alleluias for the 5th Sunday in Easter: Dextera Dei, Christus Resurgens.
  11. Sanctus 1; Agnus Dei 1 (for Easter) (M-50460).
  12. Communio for 4th Sunday of Easter: Ego Sum Pastor Bonus (50470).

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.