Eduardo Paniagua and Musica Antiqua

Program: #06-22   Air Date: May 22, 2006


The famous Spanish early music proponent has his own label now (Pneuma) and many new releases; we'll sample some of them.

This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:

Preservation of this program is made possible by a generous grant from Eric Cornish.

NOTE: All the music on this program are from the huge series of new discs on the Pneuma label featuring Eduardo Paniagua and the ensemble Musica Antigua (or other ensembles for early medieval and baroque Spanish material). Over twenty discs are dedicated to a vast cycle of the complete Cantigas de Santa Maria collected by Alfonso X, El Sabio (1221-1284).

Except for the ancient Visigothic service (which we hear in its entirety), we sampled one Cantiga from a number of discs. We will give the album name (some multi-volume sets have the same title), followed by the CD number, and below that the Cantiga number ("CSM").

  1. Cantigas de Estremadura—CD # PN-420.
    • CSM 144—El toro de Plasencia: Con razon e d'averen gran pavor.
  2. Cantigas de Sevilla—CD # PN2-590.
    • CSM 257—Las reliquias: Ben guarda Santa Maria.
  3. Virgen de Atocha, Cantigas de Madrid—CD # PN-280.
    • CSM 145—Alexandria.
    • CSM 285—Monja y caballero: Do dem a'perfia.
  4. Cantigas de Castilla y Leon—CD # PN-020.
    • CSM 291—Salamanca-Zamora: Cantand'e en muitas guisas.
  5. Cantigas de Toledo—CD # 010.
    • CSM 122—Milagros muitos pelos reis faz Santa Maria.
  6. Cantigas Castilla-La Mancha—CD # PN-210.
    • CSM 246—La mujer de Alcazar de San Juan—A que as portas do ceo abria.
  7. Terribilis est—Canto Gregoriano, Canto Hispanico Tropos y Polifonia
    8th to 12th Centuries—CD # PN-670.
    Rito Visigotico de Consagracio del Altar (Visigothic Rite for the Consecration of an Altar):

    • Erexit Jacob.
    • Corpora sanctorum.
    • Vos sacerdotes.
    • Intuleunt sacerdotes.
    • Unxit te Dominus.
    • Induit te.
  8. La Vida de Maria—CD # PN2-610.
    • CSM 180—Vieja y Nina—Vella e Minyna.
  9. Caballeros—CD # PN-490.
    • CSM 341—Caballero celos—Com'a gran pesar a Virgen.
  10. Luz de la Mediterrania—CD # PN-090.
    • CSM 193—Sobelos fondos do mar.
  11. El Crisol del Tiempo—CD # PN-470.
    • CSM 205—Cantigas de Ucles y Calatrava—Oracon con piadade.
  12. Cantigas para flauta y tamboril—CD # PN-400.
    • CSM 157—La harina de los romeros.
    • CSM 159—La tajade de carne—Non sofre Santa Maria.

Composer Info

El Sabio (1221-1284)

CD Info

CD # PN-420, CD # PN2-590, CD # PN-280, CD # PN-020, CD # 010, CD # PN-210, CD # PN-670, CD # PN2-610, CD # PN-490, CD # PN-090, CD # PN-470, CD # PN-400

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.

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