Flanders Festival: No Object Dearer

Program: #00-28   Air Date: Jun 22, 2000

Flanders Festival: No Object Dearer
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    Flanders Festival: No Object Dearer

NOTE: The music on this program is from the 1999 Flanders International Music Festival, from the Antwerp "Laus Polyphoniae" series. The Concord Ensemble performed a program called "No Object Dearer": Elegies for Henry, Prince of Wales (d. 1612).

This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:

Preservation of this program is made possible by a generous grant from Eric Cornish.

For information about the Flanders Festival, for travel to Flanders, and about Flemish culture, you may contact the Belgian Tourist Board at www.visitbelgium.com.

WILLIAM BYRD: Fantasy No. 3 in g minor.

JOHN WARD: "No object dearer": Elegy for Henry, Prince of Wales.

ORLANDO GIBBONS: Fantasy No. 4 a 6.

GIBBONS: "Nay, let me weepe." (from 'The First Set of Madrigals
       and Motets apt for Viols and Voyces,' London, 1612).

BYRD: Fantasy No. 2 in g minor.

BYRD: "Fair Britain Isle": Elegy for Henry, Prince of Wales.

Additional material at end of program, featuring Tragicomedia, directed by Stephen Stubbs (Hyperion CD CDA-66335):

ROBERT JONES: Farewell, fond youth.

JOHN DOWLAND: Flow my tears.

JOHN COPRARIO: In darkness let me dwell.

Composer Info


CD Info

CD CDA-66335

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.

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