Heretical Angels

Program: #24-24   Air Date: Jun 10, 2024

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Katarina Livljanic and her ensemble Dialogs are back with a yet another intriguing program subtitled “Rituals of Medieval Bosnia and Herzegovina."

NOTE: All of the music on this program is from the recent recording by the Dialogos Ensemble directed by Katarina Livljanić. Entitled Heretical Angels: Rituals of Medieval Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is on the Arcana label and is CD A560. For more information about Dialogos:

"When I wanted to exist, I couldn’t”. Mystical inscriptions on ancient Bosnian tombstones inspired this programme.

Medieval Bosnia fascinates us with its coexistence of religions: Catholics, Orthodox, heretical Bosnian Christians, Jews and Muslims… Their texts and traditions survive in the oral tradition, in mysterious manuscripts in Latin, Cyrillic and Glagolitic script, and on inscriptions from tombstones: monuments through which the dead speak to the living.

As an exploration into ancient pagan and Christian rites from the heart of the Balkans, Heretical Angels bears witness to the traditions of Bosnian Christians, who were persecuted by the medieval Catholic and Orthodox churches alike. Intertwining the tombstone inscriptions with exorcisms and meditations, Katarina Livljanić, Dialogos and Kantaduri have created a story of poignant canticles that comes close to musical theatre and invite us to follow pagan and Christian rites surrounding birth and death. In this programme, after the success of the CD Dalmatica (Diapason d’or in 2016), Dialogos meets traditional cantors – among them one of today’s youngest epic singers in Herzegovina – to seek peace and meaning in a land devastated by wars, at the gateway to the East.

  1. Si kamin 1:01
  2. Glava Hr’stova 6:48
    Katarina Livljanić, Norbert Rodenkirchen, Albrecht Maurer
  3. Iskoni bje slovo 3:49
  4. Zašto Gospod Bog satvori sai sviet? 4:21
    Katarina Livljanić, Norbert Rodenkirchen
  5. A se leĹľi Bratmio 1:20
  6. Zaklinam tebe, prinecisti dusce 6:03
    Katarina Livljanić, Albrecht Maurer, Kantaduri
  7. Koli že krešten ne budet 2:37
    Katarina Livljanić, Albrecht Maurer, Norbert Rodenkirchen, Jure Miloš
  8. Oče naš 4:06
  9. Kad se duša s tilom dili 6:05
    Katarina Livljanić, Srećko Damjanović, Albrecht Maurer, Norbert Rodenkirchen
  10. O Gospojo uzvišena 2:22
  11. I znamenie velie 3:27
    Katarina Livljanić
  12. Braćo, brata sprovodimo 3:00
  13. Glas veliki trublje ove 4:52
    Katarina Livljanić, Norbert Rodenkirchen, Albrecht Maurer
  14. Dan od gnjiva 2:56 Kantaduri
  15. Pisma od tašte slave 5:12
    Jure Miloš
  16. BoĹľe, davno ti sam legao 3:05
    Katarina Livljanić, Kantaduri
  17. Stah, boga moleći 2:21Â