Holy Week 2006: Abbey of Solesmes

Program: #06-16   Air Date: Apr 05, 2006

Holy Week 2006: Abbey of Solesmes
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    Holy Week 2006: Abbey of Solesmes

NOTE: All of the music on these programs are from discs produced by the Choir of the Monks of the Abbey of Saint-Pierre de Solesmes.

This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:

Preservation of this program is made possible by a generous grant in honor of Abbott Aidan Shea, O.S.B.

The recordings are produced as two-CD sets with booklets containing complete texts and translations and photographs from Solesmes—you may find them at:


Fr. Jerome Weber, early music critic and editor for Fanfare and Goldberg sent along this note:

The three CDs of Tenebrae were originally issued as 833 (Thu.), 834 (Fri.) and 836 (Sat.), respectively recorded in 1988, 1989 and 1996, too late to get in the book [Fr. Weber's complete listing of all chant on disc]. They were Dom Claire's last recordings, the final one delayed by illness. He retired in 1996. He was succeeded by Richard Gagne' for seven years, then by a young monk (not even ordained yet) named Yves-Marie Lelièvre, whose first recording just came out, "Sundays in Ordinary Time 1-3" (the first of a series).

There is no change in the Solesmes policy of producing and selling their own recordings as they have done since 1980, but one change is repackaging most of them in two-CD sets. The other change is U.S. distribution. These discs are from ArkivMusic, which has taken over from Paraclete Press (Cape Cod Community of Jesus), which had the U.S. rights all this time. SN10 has the Easter disc 822 (from LP 622) and Eastertide 825 (from LP 625), which are both in my book. For example, for the Easter introit Resurrexi, Dom Claire recorded it on 622 (in 1980) and Dom Gajard recorded it on 7501 (in 1969) and 1736911 (in 1955).

We chose Holy Week and Easter material from six Solesmes discs for the season. All are conducted by Dom Jean Claire except as noted.

Maundy Thursday

  • Introit: Nos autem ("Let our glory be the cross").
  • Responsory: Christus factus est ("Christ became obedient for us unto death").
  • Offertory: Ubi caritas ("Where true love is found, God is there").
  • Hymn: Pange lingua ("Sing, my tongue").

Good Friday

  • Responsory: Tenebrae ("It became dark").
  • Hymn: Vexilla regis ("The emblems of our King are coming forward").

Holy Saturday

1st Nocturne of Vigils

  • Antiphon: In pace ("In peace I will lie down").
  • Antiphon: Habitabit in tabernaculo ("He shall dwell in your tent").
  • Antiphon: Caro mea ("My flesh shall rest in hope").
  • Responsory: Sicut ovis ("Like a lamb he was led to the slaughter").
  • Responsory: Jerusalem, surge ("Arise, O Jerusalem").
  • Responsory: Plange quasi virgo ("Cry like a young girl").

3rd Nocturne of Vigils

  • Antiphon: Deus adiuvat me ("God is my help").
  • Antiphon: In pace ("His dwelling place has been established in peace").
  • Antiphon: Factus sum ("I have become like a man without help").
  • Responsory: Astiterunt ("The kings of the earth arose").
  • Responsory: Aestimatus sum ("I was reckoned with those who go down into the pit").
  • Responsory: Sepulto Domino ("When the lord was buried, the tomb was sealed").


  • Antiphon: Hodie afflictus ("Today I am deeply afflicted").
  • Antiphon: Cum his qui oderunt ("I was peaceful among those who hate peace").
  • Antiphon: Ab hominibus ("Deliver me, Lord, from wicked men").
  • Antiphon: Custodi me ("Save me from the trap they have set for me").
  • Antiphon: Considerabam ("I cried unto the Lord with all my voice").
  • Antiphon: Principes ("The chief priests made the sepulchre sure").
  • Magnificat ("My soul doth magnify the Lord").
  • Responsory: Christus resurgens ("Christ has risen from the dead").


[this set conducted by Dom Joseph Gajard]

(bells of Solesmes)

  • Hymn: Salve festa dies ("Hail, festal day").
  • Introit: Resurrexi ("I have risen, and am always with you").
  • Gradual: Haec dies ("Behold the day the Lord has made").
  • Alleluia: Pascha nostrum ("Christ, our paschal lamb, has been immolated").
  • Sequence: Victimae paschali ("To the paschal victim offer the sacrifice of praise").
  • Offertory: Terra tremuit ("The earth trembled and was still").
  • Communion: Pascha nostrum ("Christ, our paschal lamb, has been immolated").


  • Antiphon: Iubilate Deo ("Praise God, all the earth").
  • Antiphon: Cantate Domino ("Sing unto the Lord a new song").
  • Alleluia: Dextera Dei ("The right hand of the Lord has done marvelous things").
  • Alleluia: Loquebar ("I have borne witness to you, O Lord").
  • Offertory: Deus, Deus meus ("O God, my God, I arise at dawn to seek you").
  • Communion: Cantate Domino ("Sing unto the Lord a new song").
  • Communion: Ego sum pastor ("I am the good Shepherd").
  • Communion: Ego sum vitis ("I am the true vine").
  • Communion: Spiritus sanctus ("The Holy Spirit will teach you").
  • Hymn: Ad coenam ("We have been called to the banquet of the Lamb").

Antiphons of the Resurrection Gospels

  • Angelus autem Domini ("The angel of the Lord descended from heaven").
  • Venerunt ad monumentum ("Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb").
  • Surgens Iesus ("Having risen in the morning...Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalen").
  • Iesus iunxit ("Jesus himself drew near"--Christ at Emmaus).
  • Post dies octo ("Eight days later the doors were closed"--Thomas with Christ).
  • Mittite in dexteram ("Throw the net to starboard").

CD Info

Easter disc 822 (from LP 622) and Eastertide 825 (from LP 625)

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.

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