In memorium Montserrat Figueras

Program: #11-50   Air Date: Dec 05, 2011

In memorium Montserrat Figueras
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    In memorium Montserrat Figueras

NOTE: All of the music on this program comes from the recordings made by Montserrat Figueras with her husband Jordi Savall. As Fr. Jerome Weber wrote: "Some performers have a personality that goes beyond any excellence in performing or interpreting. I always thought that Montserrat Figueras and Jordi Savall were the most extraordinary persons and human beings. I was convinced that they are genuine, honest, devout, warm people."

As for myself, I had the honor of corresponding and later working some with this extraordinary couple. From their earliest recordings, they have been part of Millennium of Music, and their contribution to early music cannot be calculated, but appreciated and loved now and forevermore.

This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:

Preservation of this program is made possible by a generous grant from David Montanye.

I. Giulio Caccini: Le Nuove Musiche (Deutsche Harmonia Mundi CD GD77164).

  • CACCINI: Non ha'l ciel ("The heavens have no more stars")

II. Monteverdi: Madrigali Guerrieri et Amorosi (Alia Vox AVSA 9884)

  • MONTEVERDI: Book VIII Madrigals: Lamento della ninfa

III. El Barocco Español: Spanish Secular Music (EMI Electrola – CDM 7 63418 2)

  • JUAN del VADO (c.1625-1691): No te embarques ("Do not set sail")

IV. Ninna Nanna (Alia Vox AV9825).

  • Anon. (c.1600): Lullaby: My little sweet darling

V. El Canto de la Sibila (Song of the Sibyls, Volume II) (Auvidis ES 9900).

  • After ALFONSO X, El Sabio (12th cen.): Sibila Galaica

VI. Cançons de la Catalunya millenària: Planys & Llegendes (Alia Vox AVSA 9881)

  • El Cant dels Aucells (The Carol of the Birds)
  • El Fill del Rei (The King's Son--a lament)
  • Cançó de bressol: La mare de Déu (The Mother of God--a traditional Catalan lullaby)

CD Info

Deutsche Harmonia Mundi CD GD77164, EMI Electrola – CDM 7 63418 2, Alia Vox AVSA 9884, Alia Vox AV9825, Auvidis ES 9900, Alia Vox AVSA 9881

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