Program: #04-42 Air Date: Oct 11, 2004
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NOTE: All of the music on this program is from two of the recordings made by the Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne directed by Fr Maxime Gimenez.
Dear Friends of Millennium of Music:
Even by the standards of our most popular program, we have been gratified (and taken aback) by the overwhelming response we have received from this series dedicated to the work of the monks of Chevetogne. To this end, we are providing some extra information on how to reach the monks on line or by mail.
Monastère de l'Exaltation de la Sainte Croix
Rue du monastère 65
B - 5590 - Chevetogne
Tel.: + 32 (0)83 21.17.63
Fax: + 32 (0)83 21.60.45
Email addresses of the Monastery: [email protected]
Again, thank you for you enthusiastic support for the program; we hope to continue this series for some time.
Robert Aubry Davis
You may reach the Abbey at their web site:
The program is sponsored in part by the Belgian Tourist Office and the Embassy of Belgium in Washington, D.C. For more information on visiting Belgium (including the Abbey), you may contact the Belgian Tourist Office at:
St. Basil the Great was born in 329 in Cappadocia in what is now Turkey. Son of devout (and sainted) parents and brother of St. Gregory of Nyssa, he was educated in Constantinople before travelling throughout the Christian world studying the burgeoning monastic movement. His writings on monasticism were greatly influential not only in the Eastern church but in translation on St. Benedict in the creation of his order. Dedicated to eradication the Arian heresy, he died on January 1, 379.
I. From Le Sainte et Grande Fete de Paques (Chevetogne CD 108/495).
- Stichera (hymns using the tones of the Byzantine liturgy): "O Lord, I have cried out to you."
- Hymn: "O joyful light of the holy glory."
- First Song of Moses.
- Song of the Three Young Men in the Furnace.
- Psalm 81: "Rise up, O Lord, and judge the earth."
- Hymn of the Great Entrance: "At Thy mystical supper, Son of God."
- Hymn to the Mother of God.
III. From Le Grand et Saint Jeudi (Chevetogne CD 105/389).
- Opening Blessing.
- Psalm 140: "Lord, I have cried unto thee."
- Theotokion: "Truly is Judas to be numbered with the generation of vipers."
- Anaphora: "Stand we well, stand we with fear.
CD Info
Chevetogne CD 108/495, Chevetogne CD 105/389