Medieval France at Utrecht

Program: #00-38   Air Date: Aug 04, 2000

Medieval France at Utrecht
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    Medieval France at Utrecht

NOTE: All of the music on this program comes from the Holland Festival of Early Music at Utrecht.

This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:

Preservation of this program is made possible by a generous grant from Moultrie Sessions.

For information about music from Festival 2000, travel to Festival 2001, about other musical and cultural events in the Netherlands, or tourism in Holland, you may reach the Netherlands Board of Tourism at:

I. GUILLAME de MACHAUT: Messe de Nostre Dame
(Ensemble Gilles Binchois/Dominique Vellard, dir.).

  • Anon.: Gaudeamus omnes Domino (Introit).
  • MACHAUT: Messe de Nostre Dame: Kyrie, Gloria.

II. Le Chansonnier du Roi (1246-1254).
(Medieval Strings).

  • GUILLAUME Li VINER: Chancon envoisie.
  • Anon.: La quarte estampie royale (instr.).
  • Anon.: Hui main au doz mois de mai/Hec dies.
  • Anon.: Au commencement d'este/Lonc tans ai mise/Hec dies.
  • GUILLAUME Li VINIER: Bien doit chanter la cui chancon cet plaire.

III. MACHAUT: Messe de Nostre Dame, cont.

  • MACHAUT: Messe de Nostre Dame: Sanctus.
  • Anon.: Pater noster.
  • MACHAUT: Agnus Dei.
  • Anon.: Regina mundi (Communio).
  • Anon.: Mense celestis (Postcommunio).
  • MACHAUT: Ite missa est.

Composer Info


Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.

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