Narcisso speculando

Program: #02-42   Air Date: Oct 21, 2002

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From the stage of the Vredenburg in Utrecht, we speak to one of the stars of the Early Music Festival 2002, Pedro Memelsdorff of the ensemble Mala Punica.

NOTE: All of the music on this program is from the ensemble Mala Punica directed by our guest, Pedro Memelsdorff. This recording was made on the stage of the Vredenburg Music Center as part of the 2002 Holland Festival of Early Music at Utrecht with the generous assistance of Radio Nederland.

For information about the Festival or other events in the Netherlands or about Dutch culture, you may check the web site of the Netherlands Board of Tourism:

These madrigals of Don Paolo da Firenze (1390-1425) can be found on the recording Narcisso speculando on the Harmonia Mundi label (HMC 901732), and may be found at

  • Fra duri scogli (Among hard rocks).
  • Un pellegrin uccel (A lonely wandering bird).
  • Amor de'dimmi (Love, please do tell me).
  • Lena, virtu (Lena=Maddalena; Virrtue & hope to every heart).
  • Non piu 'nfelice (No more unhappy).
  • Era Venus (Venus was at the ending of her day).
  • Godi, Firence (Florence, rejoice--text: Dante).
  • Girando un bel falcon (A fair falcon, gentle and white).

Composer Info

Don Paolo da Firenze (1390-1425)

CD Info

HMC 901732.

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.