Program: #02-17 Air Date: Apr 29, 2002
We continue the series with The Cardinall's Musick directed by our guest, Andrew Carwood with the recording The BYRD Edition 6: Music for Holy Week and Easter.
This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:
NOTE: All of the music on this program features The Cardinall's Musick directed by our guest, Andrew Carwood. It is from the recording The BYRD Edition 6: Music for Holy Week and Easter on Academy Sound and Vision/ Gaudeamus, CD GAU 206. ASV recordings are distributed by Koch International. You may order it at:
WILLIAM BYRD (1535/40-1623):
- Plorans plorabit.
- Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christe secundum Johannem.
- Adoramus te.
- Holy Saturday Vespers:
- Psalm antiphon: Alleluia/Psalm 116
- Antiphon: Vespere autem sabbat/Magnificat
- Oratio & Ite missa est
- Mass Propers for Easter day
- Introit: Resurrexi
- Gradual: Haec dies/Alleluia: Pascha nostrum
- Sequence: Victimae paschali laudes
- Offertory: Terra tremuit
- Communion: Pascha nostrum
- Haec dies.
- Angelus Domini.
- Mane vosbiscum.
- Post dies octo.
- Christus resurgens.
Composer Info
WILLIAM BYRD (1535/40-1623)
CD Info
CD GAU 206