Program: #87-20 Air Date: May 17, 1987
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NOTE: This classic show has recently been rescued and digitized from an ancient tape. The playlist below was originally typed or handwritten; if you notice any errors in our transcription, please let us know.
To start: Je l'ayme bien (1555 Chansons) (Boston Camerata/Cohen) (Ti-4) (Titanic).
- LAMENTATIONS OF THE PROPHET JEREMIAH; Maundy Thursday Matins, sets 2 & 3 (1585) (PCA/Turner) (A-66051/2) (Hyperion).
- Ibid: Good Friday Matins (Hiermai prophetai lamentationes, et aliae piae cantiones, 5 vv, Munich)
- Ibid: Holy Saturday Matins (Hiermae prophetae lamentationes, et aliae piae cantiones, 5 vv, Munich)
- Factus est Dominus (SACRAE CANTIONES, 4vv, Munich, 1585) (Kaufberger Martinsfinken/Hahn) (H-71084) (Nonesuch).
- "Vedi l'aurora" (Behold the dawn); "0 furace dolcezza (0, fleeting sweetness): (CONTINUATION du mellange, 1584, Paris): (Capella Antiqua, Munich/Ruhland) (KBF-21192). (Petrach - both).
- "Il grave de l'età" (Prague Mad. Singers/Venhoda) (22.16.0024); "Prendi l'aurata lira" (Boston Cam./Cohen) (DSM-1015-6) (Fiamma, both) (Madrigali novamente composti 4-6 vv; Nuremberg, 1587).
- Da pacem Domine (TERTIUM OPUS MUSICUM 4 - 6 vv, Nuremberg, 1588) (Alsfelder Vokalemsemble/Helbich) (6.42632).
- "Schaff mir doch Recht in Sachen mein" (Judica me Domine) (Teutsche Psalmen, 3 vv, Munich, 1588). (Capella Antiqua/Ruhland) (KDF-21192).