Palestrina’s Pentecostal Music

Program: #04-23   Air Date: May 31, 2004

Palestrina’s Pentecostal Music
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    Palestrina’s Pentecostal Music

NOTE: All of the music on this program comes from the recording Missa Dum complerentur and other music for Whitsuntide featuring the Westminster Cathedral Choir directed by Martin Baker.

This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:

Preservation of this program is made possible by a generous grant in honor of Richard Bayer.

It is on the Hyperion label and is CD # CDA67353.

The motet "Dum complerentur" was published by Palestrina in the Liber primus mottetorum printed in Rome in 1569. It graphically depicts the "rushing wind" of the Holy Spirit descending on the disciples. The Mass based on this motet uses the musical motifs in what is called the parody technique, and was published posthumously in 1599. Most of the rest of the music on the disc is from the setting of the Pentecostal service in the 1575 book of motets--the unusual exception is the "Veni Creator Spiritus" hymn setting published in 1589 by Angelo Gardano in Venice.

  • Dum complerentur ("And when the day of Pentecost was fully come").
  • Missa Dum complerentur.
  • Alleluia: Veni Sancte Spiritus.
  • Sequence: Veni Sancte Spiritus.
  • Veni Sancte Spiritus. ("Come, Holy Spirit, and fill the hearts of thy faithful people").
  • Veni Creator Spiritus ("Come, Creator Spirit visit the souls that are Thine").
  • Magnificat sexti toni ("My soul doth magnify the Lord").
  • Spritus Sanctus replevit totam domum ("The Holy Spirit filled the whole house").

Composer Info

Palestrina, Angelo Gardano

CD Info

CD # CDA67353

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.

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