Schola Hungarica Christmas

Program: #07-49   Air Date: Nov 26, 2007

Schola Hungarica Christmas
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    Schola Hungarica Christmas

We recently traveled to Budapest in search of the latest from this extraordinary ensemble that has brought us unusual and rare chant recordings for over 25 years.

This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:

Preservation of this program is made possible by a generous grant from Dana Wipperman.

NOTE: All of the music on this program comes from recordings by the Schola Hungarica directed by Laszlo Dobszay and Janka Szendrei on the Hungaroton label. A complete discography is listed below the play list.

INTRO—Magyar Gregorianum 1—Gregorian and Polyphonic Chants from Medieval Hungary—Christmas—Ave spes nostra ("Hail our hope, immaculate Mother of God").

I. Magyar Gregorianum 2—Gregorian and Polyphonic Chants from Medieval Hungary—Advent—Christmas—Pentecost (Hungaroton HCD 12048)


  • Ecce carissimi ("Lo, my dear ones, that great and dreadful day is at hand").
  • Populus Syon ("People of Zion, the Lord cometh hither").
  • Ex Syon species ("Out of Zion, God shall manifest in the loveliness of His beauty").
  • Alleluia: Rex noster ("Alleluia: Christ our King cometh").
  • Deus to convertens ("Thou will turn, O God").
  • Sanctus: Omnes unanimiter ("Holy, holy—Nations, living on earth, tell all together").
  • Ierusalem surge ("Arise, o Jerusalem").

II. Magyar Gregorianum 1—Gregorian and Polyphonic Chants from Medieval Hungary—Christmas (Hungaroton HCD 11477)

  • Verbum caro factum est ("The Word was made flesh").
  • Hodie Christus natus est ("Upon this day Christ was born").
  • Dies est laetitiae ("This is the day of rejoicing").
  • Te Deum laudamus ("To Thee, our God, be praise").

III. Plays of Saint Nicholas—St. Nicholas and the three girls, St. Nicholas and Getron's son, St. Nicholas and the robbed merchant, excerpts from the Mass and Vespers of St. Nicholas Hungaroton HCD 12887-88

Mass of St. Nicholas

  • Introit: Statuit ei Dominus ("The Lord has entered into a covenant of peace with him").
  • Psalm 88: Misericordias Domini ("My song shall be always").
  • Kyrie & Gloria.
  • Gradual: Ecce sacerdos magnus ("Behold the Bishop").
  • Alleluia: Sancte Nicolae ("Alleluia! St. Nicholas, sweet hope of the poor").
  • Sequence: Congaudentes exsultemus ("Rejoicing together, let us celebrate in the harmony of song").
  • Offertorium: Veritas mea ("My truth and my mercy are with him").
  • Sanctus & Agnus Dei.
  • Communio: Domine quinque talenta ("Lord you have delivered five talents unto me").

Vespers of St. Nicholas

  • Antiphon: Sancte Nicolae ("St. Nicholas, glorious confessor of God").
  • Psalm 131: Memento, Domine ("Lord, remember David").
  • Oratio: Deus qui beatum ("God, who has adorned St. Nicholas").
  • Hymnus: Exsultet aula caelica ("May the royal court of Heaven rejoice").

Schola Hungarica—Discography (courtesy of

The present discography of Schola Hungarica, as directed by Laszlo Dobszay and Janka Szendrei, was originally prepared by Szakacs Bela Zsolt. Subsequent listings have been added by Todd McComb, including some additional information provided by Jerome F. Weber. Recordings are listed chronologically by production date, and these may differ from recording dates.


  • Gregorian Chants from Hungary 1. Christmas / Magyar Gregorianum 1. A karacsonyi uennepkoer dallamai
    Hungaroton HCD 11477 (LP issued in 1978, CD issued in 1986)
  • Gregorian Chants from Hungary 2. Advent - Christmas - Pentecost / Magyar Gregorianum 2. Advent - Karacsony - Puenkoesd
    Hungaroton HCD 12048 (1979)
  • Gregorian Chants from Hungary 3. Holy Week / Magyar Gregorianum 3. Nagyhet
    Hungaroton HCD 12049 (1979)


  • Gregorian Chants from Hungary 4. Easter / Magyar Gregorianum 4. Husvet
    Hungaroton HCD 12050 (1980)
  • Gregorian Chants from Hungary 5. The Hungarian Saints / Magyar Gregorianum 5. Magyar szentek
    Hungaroton HCD 12169 (1981)
  • Gregorian Chants from Hungary 6. Chants of the Blessed Mary - Funeral Chants / Magyar Gregorianum 6. Maria enekek - Temetes
    Hungaroton HCD 12170 (1981)
  • Ludus Danielis. Play of Daniel / Daniel-jatek
    Hungaroton HCD 12457 (1983)
  • Memory of Thomas Becket / Becket Tamas emlekezete
    Matutinum, Laudes, Misa, Vesperae
    Hungaroton HCD 12458-2 (1983)
  • Magyar Nyelvemlekek [Old-Hungarian Texts and Music]
    Hungaroton SLPX 19172 (1983) [only LP as far as I know]
  • Vespers for Christmas and Easter / Karacsonyi es husveti vecsernyek
    Hungaroton HCD 12533 (1984)
  • Liber Sapientiae. The Book of Wisdom / A Boelcsesseg Koenyve
    Gregorian antiphons, psalms, lectures and responsories in medieval codices from Hungary, C. Merulo: Versi dell'ottavo tono, G. Dufay: Magnificat
    Hungaroton HCD 12534-2 (1984)
  • Easter's Herold / Husvet hirnoeke
    Hungaroton HCD 12558 (1985)
  • Epiphany. Gregorian Chants fom Hungary / Vizkereszt including "Tractus stellae" (Play of the Star)
    Hungaroton HCD 12559 (1985)
  • Istvanffy, Benedek: Musica Sacra
    Hungaroton SLPD 12733 (1986) [LP, also in CD?]
  • Old Roman Liturgical Chants / O-romai liturgikus enekek
    Hungaroton HCD 12741 (1986)
  • Gregorian Chants in a Village Church. Advent Mass "Rorate" - Palm Sunday Procession / Gregorian egy falusi templomban. Rorate mise - Viragvasarnap
    Hungaroton HCD 12742 (1986)
  • Plays of Saint Nicholas / Szent Miklos-jatekok
    St. Nicholas and the three girls, St. Nicholas and Getron's son, St. Nicholas and the robbed merchant, excerpts from the Mass and Vespers of St. Nicholas
    Hungaroton HCD 12887-88 (2 CDs) (1987)
  • Ambrozian Liturgical Chants / Ambrozian liturgikus enekek
    Hungaroton HCD 12889 (1987)
  • Gregorian Chants from Austria. From Christmas to Epiphany - Office of St Rupert / Gregorian enekek Ausztriabol. Karacsonytol Vizkeresztig - Szent Rupert zsolozsmaja
    Hungaroton HCD 12950 (1988)
  • Dufay: Hymns
    with introductory gregorian chants from the Cambrai Antiphonal
    Hungaroton HCD 12951 (1988)
  • Hungaria Sacra
    Hungaroton SLPX 31044 (1988) [only LP as far as I know]
  • Bartok: Two- and Three-Part Choruses / 27 egynemu kar
    Hungaroton HCD 31080 (1989)
  • Plainchant from Prague / Gregorian enekek Pragabol
    Hungaroton HCD 31085 (1989)
  • From Evening to Evening with Gregorian Chant / Estetol esteig gregorian enekekkel
    Hungaroton HCD 31086 (1989)


  • Beneventan Chants. Holy Saturday - Feast of the Holy Twelve Brothers / Beneventan liturgikus enekek. Nagyszombat - A Tizenket Szent Testver uennepe
    Hungaroton HCD 31168 (1990)
  • Guillaume du Fay: Recollectio Festorum Beatae Mariae Virginis
    Hungaroton HCD 31169 (1990)
  • Chant Gregorien d'Aquitaine
    Quintana - Harmonia mundi QUI 403031 (1991) [this is a casette, there was a CD too]
  • From Adam to Abraham / Adamtol Abrahamig
    Quintana - Harmonia mundi QUI 903032
  • La Nuit de Noel
    Quintana - Harmonia mundi QUI 903032(1992)
  • From Abraham to Moses / Abrahamtol Mozesig
    Quintana - Harmonia mundi QUI 903038
  • Sequences from Nonantola / Sequentiak Nonantolabol
    EMI-Quint QUI 903084 (1993)
  • The Historia of St. Erik / Erik den Heliges Hystorya
    Musica Sveciae "Swedish Music Anthology" MSCD 103 (1994)
  • A Pilgrimage to Rome. Old-Roman Liturgical Chants / Romai zarandokut oromai liturgikus enekkel
    Hungaroton HCD 31574 (1995)
  • St. Elisabeth of Hungary. Two Medieval Offices / Magyarorszagi Szent Erzsebet. Ket koezepkori zsolozsma
    The Cambrai Office, The Central European Office
    Hungaroton HCD 31605 (1995)
  • Historia Sancti Emmerami
    Calig CAL 50 983 (1996)
  • Istvanffy, Benedek: Missa Sanctificabis Annum Quinquagesimum, 1774
    Hungaroton HCD 31723 (1997)
  • Historiae. The Offices of St. Lawrence's and Mary Magdalen's / Historiak. Gregorian tetelek Szt. Lorinc es Maria Magdolna zsolozsmajabol
    Hungaroton HCD 31760 (1998)
  • Gregorian Chants from Medieval Hungary #7
    The Istanbul Antiphonary
    Hungaroton HCD 31816 (1999)
  • Ravenna: The City of Mosaics
    Hungaroton HCD 32014 (2001)


  • The Offertory - Gregorian Chant and Palestrina
    Hungaroton HCD 32069 (2003)
  • The Story of Job in Gregorian Chant & Polyphony
    Hungaroton HCD 32239 (2004)
  • Gregorian Chants in Hungarian
    Hungaroton HCD 32157 (2004)
  • German Medieval Chant
    Naxos 8.557412 (2005)
  • Old Roman Liturgical Chant
    Hungaroton HCD 32358 (2006)

A special issue edited by L. Dobszay:

Gregorian Chants and Ballades among the Csangos / Gregorian enekek es balladak a csangoknal

From the Kallos Archive and the Archive of the Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Hungaroton HCD 18230 (1997)

[original records of a Hungarian community, living in Romania, which conserved plainchant as liturgical music up to the 20th century]

CD Info

HCD 12048, HCD 11477, HCD 11477, HCD 12048, HCD 12049, HCD 12050, HCD 12169, HCD 12170, HCD 12457, HCD 12458-2, SLPX 19172, HCD 12533, HCD 12534-2, HCD 12558, HCD 12559, SLPD 12733, HCD 12741, HCD 12742, HCD 12887-88, HCD 12889, HCD 12950, HCD 12951, SLPX 31044, HCD 31080, HCD 31085, HCD 31086, HCD 31086, HCD 31168, HCD 31169, Harmonia mundi QUI 403031, Harmonia mundi QUI 903032, Harmonia mundi QUI 903032, Harmonia mundi QUI 903038, Quint QUI 903084, MSCD 103, HCD 31574, HCD 31605, Calig CAL 50 983, HCD 31723, HCD 31760, HCD 31816, HCD 32014, HCD 32069, HCD 32239, HCD 32157, Naxos 8.557412, HCD 32358, HCD 18230 HCD 12887-88,

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.

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