Schola Romana of Lucerne

Program: #05-45   Air Date: Oct 31, 2005

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NOTE: The last time we caught up with Fr. Roman Bannwart, it was in the beautiful Monastery of Einsedeln. Now, he has brought 10th century chant from that monastery to Lucerne to explore the resonance between that repertory and modern jazz.

 All of the music on this program is from the recording KONTRASTE: Gregorianik und Jazz im Dialog on the Musiques Suisses label, # MGB CD 6214.

The chant works, from the Codex Einsidlensis and Codex Engelberg 314, are performed by the Schola Romana Lucernensis directed by Fr. Roman Bannwart; the jazz re-imaginings feature saxophone soloists John Voirol, Roland von Flue, and Thomas Mejer. On the music list, the jazz pieces (listed in English) are italicized--the titles are rough translations of the Latin chant.

Support for these programs comes in part from Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, D.C., with additional support from Swiss Radio, Pro Helvetia, and Musica Helvetica.

Part I: Gaudium
--Gaudeamus omnes in Domino
Let everyone rejoice in the Lord.
--Kyrie magnae Deus potentiae
--Laetatus sum
Let us go to the house of the Lord
--Alleluia Vir dei Benedictus
Alleluia Benedict, the Man of God
--Ovans Chorus Scholarium
The Boys' Choir praises
--Jubilate Deo universa terra
Let all the earth praise God
--Gaude et laetare
Rejoice and praise

Part II: Spes
--Ego autem in Domino speravi
--Kyrie Cunctipotens Genitor Deus
Universe, Stars, Infinity
--In te speravi, Domine
--Sanctus Phos Patris Caritas
--Amen dico vobis
Invocation, Prayer, Answer
--Hodie progreditur
--Benedicamus Domino

CD Info

MGB CD 6214

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