Program: #04-12 Air Date: Mar 15, 2004
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All of the music on this program comes from releases
dedicated to music by or about Medieval women.
From Etoile du Nord, with Anne Azema, voice and hurdy-gurdy, and Shira Kammen on vielle, rebec and harp. This recording explores the resonance between sacred and secular music for the Virgin Mary and the female lover of the troubadour tradition, centering on the artistry of GAUTHIER de COINCY (1177/8-1236). (Calliope CD CAL 9525).
--Anon.: De l'estoile, mere au soleil ("Of the star, mother to the sun").
--ROGERET de CAMBRAI (13th c.): Novel amour qui si m'agree ("A new love which pleases me so").
--GAUTHIER: Ma viele/Dou cierge qui descend au jongleour ("My vielle wants to play a beautiful tune about the beautiful one").
--GAUTHIER: Rose cui nois ne gelee ("Rose which neither snow nor frost can wither or fade").
--GAUTHIER: Un brief miracle ("A lovely short miracle I want to tell you").
From Music of Medieval Love with New York's Ensemble for Early Music directed by Frederick Renz. It is on the ex cathedra label and is CD EC 29005.
Royal Women
--COMTESSA de DIA (c.1175): A chantar m'er ("I must sing of matters I'd rather not express").
--Anon.: Ante dies exitus (antiphon for St. Elizabeth of Hungary).
--PETER of CAMBRAI (c.1275): Un chant revoisie et bel (chanson for St. Isabel).
--Anon. (Codex las Huelgas): Salve, regina glorie ("Hail, Queen of glory").
--MARTIN CODAX (fl. c.1230): Canciones de amigo:
-Ondas do mar de Vigo ("O flowing waves of Vigo's bay").
-Mandad' ei comigo ("My love's coming home").
-Mia yrmana fremosa ("O sister fair, come haste with me").
-Ay Deus, se sab' ora meu amigo ("Ah God, couldst thou my lover know").
-Quantas sabedes amar amigo ("All ye, who are of love's fair train").
-En sagrado en Vigo ("In Vigo and on holy ground").
-Ay ondas que eu vin veer ("Waves that I came to see").
Composer Info
MARTIN CODAX (fl. c.1230), GAUTHIER de COINCY (1177/8-1236), PETER of CAMBRAI (c.1275), COMTESSA de DIA (c.1175), ROGERET de CAMBRAI (13th c.),
CD Info
CD CAL 9525, CD EC 29005