Program: #04-16   Air Date: Apr 12, 2004

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With the current interest in the story of Christ's Passion rekindled by the recent popular film, we examined over three weeks how the story was told during the first twelve centuries of Christianity.

This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:

Preservation of this program is made possible by a generous grant in honor of Father Elias Abi-Sarkis.

Part II: The Passion in the Ancient Eastern Church

  • Ymni Megalis Pemptis & Megalis Paraskevis (The Crucifixion, the yielding up of the Spirit, the descent from the Cross). [Byzantine Choir of the All Saints Cathedral, Athens/Costa Zorbas, dir.]. Zorba CD CZ 4.
  • Antiphons for Good Friday [Ted Alevizos]. Gnision CD TA6518.
  • April Stichera from the Monastery of St. Catherine of Alexandria, Mt. Sinai [Orthodox Ensemble/Vivian Klochkov, dir.]. Jade CD JAD C 060.
  • Inna Yousof [Graeco-Arabic—Descent from the Cross].
  • Alyawma-'Ulliga [Arabic—This day is hanged from the gallows-tree He who suspended the earth over the waters—Sr. Marie Keyrouz/Choir of the Church of Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre]. Harmonia Mundi CD HMC 901315.
  • Bakka Abraham; Tisbohto-I-moryo; Yawmou-sh-sharr/Rabbi-Imadhbouh [Maronite—Upon the Cross the Son of God gave up the ghost—Sr. Marie Keyrouz/L'Ensemble de la paix]. Harmonia Mundi CD HMC 901350.
  • The Passion of Christ [early Russian monodic chant—Men's Choir "Drevnerousski Rospev"/Anatoly Grindenko, dir.]. Le Chant du Monde CD RUS 288 093.
  • Exaposteilarion of Great Friday at the Matins of the Twelve Apostles.
  • Stichera from the Apostikha of Great Friday at Vespers [Russian Patriarchate Choir/Anatoly Grindenko, dir.]. Opus 111 CD OPS 30-240.

CD Info

Zorba CD CZ 4, Gnision CD TA6518, CD OPS 30-240, CD RUS 288 093, CD HMC 901350, CD HMC 901315, Jade CD JAD C 060,

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.

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