Program: #04-07 Air Date: Feb 09, 2004
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NOTE: All of the music on this program was recorded in the St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, D.C., and is performed by the Romeiko Ensemble directed by Yiorgos Bilalis.
Founded in 1993 in Philadelphia, the ensemble is dedicated to ancient Greek, Byzantine, and mystical (Sufi) music of the Ottoman period. To reach the group, or purchase their recording Sounds of the Parthenon, you may reach their web site at:
This program is made possible in part by a grant from the American-Turkish Council, the American Friends of Turkey, Raymond James International Holding (independent investment and financial planning advice and investment banking services in the United States and Turkey since 1962), and the Turkish Cultural Foundation, dedicated to promoting Turkish culture and heritage.
The selections are from the Festal period of the Nativity of Christ, from Nov. 30 through Dec. 31st.
1. Entrance: What God is as great as our God, mode barys (17th c.) by Petros Bereketis.
2. Third stichera of the Nativity Feast, mode III, pl. I and pl. IV (19th c.) by Constantinos Protopsaltes and Stefanos Lampadarios.
3. Katabasiae of Christmas, old Byzantine melody, mode I (11th c.)
4. Exomologeisthe (Psalm 135) in 5 modes: I, II, III, IV, pl. IV, composed by Petros Ephesios (19th c.)
5. Communion Hymn of Nativity, mode pl. IV, by Constantinos (19th c.) Kratema terirem mode pl. IV by George of Crete (18th c.)
This chant program features the service of the Mevlevi Order, using the Persian language poems of Mevlana Jelal-u-Din (Celaleddin) Rumi (9/30/1207--12/17/1273). During their religious services (Mevlevi Ayin) the dervishes dance (semazen) in a special symbolic way. The vocal ensemble (mutrib) performs the lyrics of Mevlana under the direction of a ney player (neyzenbasi). The Ayin is divided into four movements, the selam. "Come, come again, whoever you are, come! Heathen, fire worshipper or idolatrous, come! Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times, Ours is the portal of hope, come as you are."
--Allahu Akbar. (mode saba).
--Beyati makaminda Ayin (mode beyati)
--Her kelamin Alasi (mode hicaz).
--Terelela (mode huzzam).
--Balat; Kayikhane in Balat; Sunday in Balat.
--Kalin esperan (Christmas carol from Crete).
--Anarchos Theos (Byzantine Christmas Carol).
--Gia sena kori omorfi (Carpathian Christmas Carol),
--Archimenia (Christmas & New Year's Carol).
Composer Info
Petros Bereketis (17th c.), George of Crete (18th c.), Constantinos (19th c.), Petros Ephesios (19th c.), Constantinos Protopsaltes (19th c.) , Stefanos Lampadarios (19th c.)