The Romeiko Ensemble in concert: Part 2

This show aired as a repeat of an earlier show. For the full show notes, see the original show (#04-09).

Program: #04-25   Air Date: Jun 14, 2004

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The Romeiko features 15 exceptional vocalists (cantors) from the U.S. and Greece, and five of the most prominent instrumentalists from Turkey, and is led by Dr. Yiorgos Bilalis, who has performed worldwide as a psaltes with Byzantine choirs and as a hafiz in Sufi ceremonies.

Composer Info

Petros Bereketis (17th c.), George of Crete (18th c.), Constantinos (19th c.), Petros Ephesios (19th c.), Constantinos Protopsaltes (19th c.) , Stefanos Lampadarios (19th c.)

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.