The Swiss Lute School: The Humanist Households

Program: #03-45   Air Date: Nov 10, 2003

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The Humanist Households and Universities. Without a base of aristocratic patrons, Swiss musicians were especially attracted to the egalitarian nature of the lute. This recent recording centers on the reformist movement around the University of Basle.

Note: All of the music on this program is from the recording Schweizer Lautenmusik der Renaissance featuring Christoph Greuter, lute, with Ulrike J. Hofbauer as soprano soloist on the few songs. The recording is on the Musikszene Schweiz label and is CD number MGB CD 6198.

Support for these programs comes in part from PRS, Presence Switzerland; with additional support from Swiss Radio, Pro Helvetia, and the Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, D.C.

Most of these works are unattributed dances; the songs will be asterisked (*).

1). La buna saira/Der Kamichfaeger.
2). Benzenouwer (Zurich tanz).
3). Recercar Salamonis.
4).& 5).*PIERRE MOULU (c.1480-c.1536): Amy souffrez que je vous aime.
6). Praeludium XX.
7). Fantasia XVI.
8). Ich armer poss.
9).* & 10). .CLAUDIN de SERMISY (c.1490-1562): Dont vient cela.
11). Dismonta del Cavallo.
12). Lafantina Saltarello
13). Uff dieser Erdt.
14). Ach jungfrauw wolt ir mit mir tantzen/Nachdantz.
15). Preambulum XIX.
16). HANS KOTTER (c. 1485-1541): Salve regina.
17). JOSQUIN DESPREZ (c. 1450-1521): Fortuna d'un gran tempo.
18). *19). & 20). CLAUDIN de SERMISY: Languir me fais.
21). HAYNE van GHIZEGHEM (c.1445-c.1497): De tous biens playne..
22). Appenzeller tantz, ich staigg ulf einem fygen baum..
23). Schwarz knab/Nachtantz.
24). & *25). HULDRYCH ZWINGLI (1484-1531): Herr nun heb den wagen seib.
26). Appenzeller Kureien "Lobe, lobe".
27). S'Gluut.
28). Ein Schweitzer tantz den sibenthaler genant.
29). Welsch giger lied.
30). Praeludium XVI
31). FRANCESCO da MILANO (1497-1543): Fantasia IV.
32). BENEDICT de DRUSINA (1520-after 1573): Fantasia XIII.
33). Vorloufflin.
34). HANS NEWSIDLER (c. 1508-1563): Zart schoene fraw.
35). Salve puella/Nachdantz.
36). Lappenleurin tantz.


Composer Info

HANS NEWSIDLER (c. 1508-1563), BENEDICT de DRUSINA (1520-after 1573), FRANCESCO da MILANO (1497-1543), HULDRYCH ZWINGLI (1484-1531), HAYNE van GHIZEGHEM (c.1445-c.1497), JOSQUIN DESPREZ (c. 1450-1521), HANS KOTTER (c. 1485-1541), PIERRE MOULU (c.1480-c.1536), .CLAUDIN de SERMISY (c.1490-1562),

CD Info

MGB CD 6198.

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