The Swiss Lute School, continued

Program: #03-41   Air Date: Oct 13, 2003

The Swiss Lute School, continued
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    The Swiss Lute School, continued

A recent recording from the Schola Cantorum in Basel takes us to a great neglected repertoire: In the 15th century, the most popular lute music was for duos—Crawford Young and Karl-Ernst Schroeder recorded an entire disc of this forgotten music.

This program is Free for all, thanks to this generous Preservation Grant:

Preservation of this program is made possible by a generous grant from John and Kathleen Cassidy.

Note: All of the music on this program is from the recording Amours Amours Amours: Lute Duos c. 1500 featuring Karl-Ernst Schroder and Crawford Young. The recording is on the Harmonia Mundi label in their Documenta series from the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, and is CD number HMC 905253.

Support for these programs comes in part from PRS, Presence Switzerland; with additional support from Swiss Radio, Pro Helvetia, and the Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, D.C.

1). MABRIANO de ORTO (1460-1529): Ave Maria.
2). JEAN JAPART (fl. c.1476-81)/ANTOINE BUSNOIS: Amours amours amours.
3). HEINRICH ISAAC (c. 1450-1517): La morra.
4). ROELLRIN (?-?)/HAYNE van GHIZEGHEM: De tous biens playne.
5). JOAN AMBROSIO DALZA (fl. 1508): Calata.
6). GIOVANNI AMBROGIO (?-?): Petits riens.
7). FRANCESCO SPINACINO (fl. 1507): Jay pris amours.
8). SPINACINO/JOSQUIN DES PREZ: Fortuna desperata.
9). SPINACINO/HAYNE von GHIZEGHEM: De tous biens playne.
11).-13). Anon.: Chui dicese; Moro de doglia; Aime sospiri.
14). Anon./GUILLAUME DUFAY (1397--1474): Le serviteur.
15). ERASMUS LAPICIDA (c. ?1440-1547): T'Andernaken.
16). GHIZEGHEM: Amours amours.
17). Anon./GERLE (c. 1532): Scaramella.
18). ALEXANDER AGRICOLA (1445/6--1506)/GHIZEGHEM:De tous biens playne.
19). JOSQUIN: Scaramella.
20). Anon.: Tandernacken.
21). ANTOINE BUSNOIS (c. 1430-1492): Fortuna desperata.
22). JOSQUIN: Fortuna desperata.
23). Anon.: Bassadanza.
24). AGRICOLA: Tandernacken.
25).Anon.: Ogni cosa.
26). AGRICOLA/JOHANNES GHISELIN (fl.1491-1507): Duo.
27). & 28). ISAAC: E qui le dira; De tous biens playne.
29). SPINACINO/GHISELIN: Juli amours.
30). SPINACINO: Je ne fay.
31). JOSQUIN: Adieu mes amours.

Composer Info

JOHANNES GHISELIN (fl.1491-1507), ANTOINE BUSNOIS (c. 1430-1492), ALEXANDER AGRICOLA (1445/6--1506), GERLE (c. 1532), ERASMUS LAPICIDA (c. ?1440-1547), GUILLAUME DUFAY (1397--1474), FRANCESCO SPINACINO (fl. 1507), JOSQUIN DES PREZ, GIOVANNI AMBROGIO (?-?), JOAN AMBROSIO DALZA (fl. 1508), ROELLRIN (?-?)/HAYNE van GHIZEGHEM, HEINRICH ISAAC (c. 1450-1517), MABRIANO de ORTO (1460-1529), JEAN JAPART (fl. c.1476-81),

CD Info

HMC 905253.

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.

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