
Program: #06-01   Air Date: Dec 26, 2005

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All of the music on this program is from the recording made by the Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne directed by Fr. Thomas Pott.

Dear Friends of Millennium of Music:

Even by the standards of our most popular program, we have been gratified (and taken aback) by the overwhelming response we have received from this series dedicated to the work of the monks of Chevetogne. To this end, we are providing some extra information on how to reach the monks on line or by mail.

Monastère de l'Exaltation de la Sainte Croix
Rue du monastère 65
B - 5590 - Chevetogne

Tel.: + 32 (0)83 21.17.63
Fax: + 32 (0)83 21.60.45

Email addresses of the Monastery:

This is the current e mail address of Fr. Thomas Pott, current music director--new as of January 2005. Again, thank you for you enthusiastic support for the program; we hope to continue this series for some time.

Robert Aubry Davis

All of the music on this program is from the recording made by the Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne directed by Fr. Thomas Pott. You may reach the Abbey at their web site:

The program is sponsored in part by the Belgian Tourist Office and the Embassy of Belgium in Washington, D.C.

For more information on visiting Belgium (including the Abbey), you may contact the Belgian Tourist Office at:

As Fr. Thomas writes in his notes, "For the churches of the Byzantine tradition, as with most churches of the east, the Feast of the 6th of January is considered one of the most important solemnities of the liturgical year. The event commemorated is the Baptism of Christ, administered by John in the Jordan. In the Gospels this event marked the beginning of Jesus' public ministry. The celebration of the day is characterized, above all, by a solemn blessing of water. The blessing could be considered a true consecration, since the power of blessing over water is, from many points of view, reminiscent of the Eucharistic prayers. In many place the rite takes place outside the church near a spring, a river, or a lake. Its goal is not simple to "produce holy water," but to "act" on the element of the water: in the same was as God, the Creator, long ago breathed his life-giving force upon the primordial element of water, Christ, the "Word of God," descends into the water of the Jordan in order to renew it as a life-giving instrument serving man and creation... Thus, during the blessing of water on the eve of the 6th of January, the faithful, calling upon the descent of the holy Spirit through the voice of the celebrant, and contemplating the cross which the celebrant submerges in water, assist the renewal of the divine presence in the element in a mystical way. And, while drinking and being sprinkled with the water, they participate as if they were taking part in an authentic sacrament. Thus, the beginning of Christ's public ministry corresponds to the beginning--or to the renewal--of the engagement of the faith of all Christians called to become 'holy water" for all men.

I. Royal Hours

  • Sticheron of the 9th hour: "You hand with which you have touched the immaculate head of the Master."
  • "Wishes of many years."

II. Vespers and Blessing of Waters

  • Lucernarium: "I have cried to You, hear me."
  • Entrance: "O Joyful Light of the holy glory of the immortal."
  • Troparion: "O Creator of the world."
  • Troparion: "O our Savior, through the greatness of Your mercy."
  • Stichera: "The voice of the Lord resounds over the waters."
  • Prokimenon: "The Lord is my light and my help."
  • Litany: "For the peace from on high and the salvation of our souls."
  • Troparion of the Feast: "At Your Baptism in the Jordan, O Lord."
  • Sticheron: " Glory, now and always, ye faithful."

III. Vigil: Great Compline

  • "God is with us."
  • Megalynarion: We extol you, O Christ, the Giver of Life."
  • Canon, ode 1: "The Lord, powerful in battle."
  • Canon, ode 3: "The Lord, who bestows power to kings."
  • Ipakoe: "When you brought Light to all things."
  • Canon, ode 4: "O Lord, he whom You called."
  • Canon, ode 5: "Jesus, the Prince of Life."
  • Canon, ode 6: "The Candlestick of the light, the Morning Star."
  • Kontakion: "You have revealed yourself to the world today."
  • Canon, ode 7: "As they walked about in the fiery furnace."
  • Canon, ode 8: "As the Babylonian furnace poured forth dew."
  • Canon, ode 9: "O my soul, extol the One."
  • Exapostilarion: "The Savior, who is grace and truth."

IV. Divine Liturgy & Vespers

  • "All you who have been baptized into Christ."
  • Hymn to the Mother of God.
  • Great Prokeimenon: " Our God is in heaven and earth."

Note: The contact information in this episode may be out-of-date. You can contact us at this current link.