Program: #23-37 Air Date: Sep 11, 2023
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The always-brilliant Brigitte Lesne is back with her Alla francesca ensemble in a program of French love songs from the 13th century.
NOTE: All of the music on this program comes from the recording Variations amoureuses featuring the ensemble Alla francesca directed by Brigitte Lesne. It is on the Paraty label and is CD 120190. For more information, click here.
The variant, and its corollary the variation, inseparable from the Middle Ages, have established themselves, particularly since Eloge de la variante (In praise of the variant) by Bernard Cerquiglini and the term of “mouvance” (mobility) inaugurated by Paul Zumthor, as genuine writing processes. Extending them to the musical field sounds quite obvious, and allows us furthermore to apprehend the modes of transmission and circulation of the medieval melodic repertoires. These Love variations thus bring into play the sometimes substantial differences which exist between compositions that tread across the borders of genres and styles. As evidence of this lively interpenetration of genres, certain secular monodies sometimes crop up as fragments of conducti, polyphonic songs whose etymology testifies to their original destination: to accompany processions.
- Flos in monte cernitur 01:20
Thibaut de Blaison:
- Chanter et renvoisier sueil 03:07
- Sol sub nube latuit 01:12
Gautier de Coincy (1177 - 1236):
- Por mon chief reconforter 03:19
- Sol sub nube latuit [2] 04:02
Richart de Fournival (1201 - 1260):
- Onques n'amai tant que jou fui amee 05:32
Li moines de Saint-Denis:
- En non Dieu c'est la rage 01:09
- Or la voi - Chou est la jus desos l’olive 01:18
Adam de la Halle (1237 - 1288):
- Fi, maris, de vostre amour 00:57
- Dame bele et avenant - Fi, mari - Nus n'iert ja jolis 01:31
Gilbert de Berneville:
- Haute chose a en amor 02:58
- Que ferai / Ne puet faillir / Descendentibus 00:52
Etienne de Meaux:
- Trop est mes maris jalos 02:42
Blondel de Nesles (1155 - 1210):
- Amours dont sui espris 03:10
- Procurans odium 01:44
Philippe le Chancelier (1160 - 1236):
- Suspirat spiritus 01:54
- L'amours dont sui espris 01:05
Gautier de Coincy:
- S'amour dont sui espris 03:15
- Un chant renvoisié - Decantatur 01:19
- Amis, vostre demoree 00:56
Moniot d'Arras (1213 - 1239):
- Amours mi fait renvoisier et chanter 04:07
- Ave nobilis venerabilis Maria 01:41
- Mere au roi puissant 02:45
- Ave nobilis venerabilis Maria [2] 01:16
- Amors qui souprent 03:22
- Ave nobilis venerabilis Maria [3 ]00:57
Composer Info
Thibaut de Blaison, Gautier de Coincy (1177 - 1236), Richart de Fournival (1201 - 1260), Li moines de Saint-Denis, Adam de la Halle (1237 - 1288), Gilbert de Berneville, Etienne de Meaux, Blondel de Nesles (1155 - 1210), Philippe le Chancelier (1160 - 1236), Gautier de Coincy, Moniot d'Arras (1213 - 1239)
CD Info
Paraty label CD 120190