Programs tagged with: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

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Palestrina, Part 2

Program: #13-15, Air Date: 04/08/13

The Brabant Ensemble is back, this time with the famous Palestrina, but keeping with their mission to give us unrecorded or rarely-recorded material, this new disc features the Missa Ad coenam Agni providi.

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Palestrina, Part 1

Program: #13-14, Air Date: 04/01/13

With the third disc in a projected Palestrina cycle, Harry Christophers and his ensemble The Sixteen continue with the rarely-recorded Missa Regina caeli.

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I Sing the Birth

Program: #13-01, Air Date: 12/31/12

It has been a rough year, especially in New York and environs--let's give the last word for the season to New York Polyphony, with music for the Twelve Days and the New Year.

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A Palestrina Christmas

Program: #12-51, Air Date: 12/10/12

The superb early music ensemble The Sixteen dedicates Volume 2 of their new Palestrina series to the composer's works for Advent and Christmas.

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