Programs tagged with: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

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Concerto Palatino: Palestrina and Frescobaldi

Program: #12-09, Air Date: 02/20/12

More motets from Palestrina and the less-often heard sacred works by Girolamo Frescobaldi.

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Huelgas Ensemble: Rome in Multiples

Program: #12-06, Air Date: 01/30/12

Paul van Nevel and his group present some of the lesser-known Roman composers: Animuccia, Anerio, Agazzari, and Michelangelo Rossi.

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The Sixteen: Palestrina and Allegri

Program: #12-03, Air Date: 01/09/12

Harry Christophers' superb group celebrates two of the titans of Roman church music.

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Missa Cantantibus organis: Allegri Miserere & the music of Rome

Program: #11-13, Air Date: 03/21/11

Before the great Palestrina's death in 1594, seven Roman musicians came together to write a twelve-part mass based on the elder composer's motet Cantantibus Organis; this is the centerpiece of this new recording by the Cardinall's Musick.

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