Programs tagged with: LUDWIG SENFL

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🔊 All The Five Salutations: More Music of Ludwig Senfl

Program: #05-41, Air Date: 10/03/05

NOTE: This greatest of Swiss composers has been an ongoing area of rediscovery in the last decades; this week, the Swiss Radio Choir gives us more sacred gems, including the grand motets and the para-liturgical "Five Salutations of Christ" commissioned by Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria. The Coro della Radio Svizzera is directed by Diego Fasolis in this recording, which is titled Ludwig Senfl: Missa Paschalis und Motteten. It is on the Musikszene Schweiz label, and is CD # MGB 6165.

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Senfl (& Christmas) at the Court of Maximilian

Program: #05-49, Air Date: 11/28/05

NOTE: All of the music on this program is from the recording Sacred Music at the Vienna Court Chapel of Maximilian I featuring the Clemencic Consort and the boys Choralschola of the Vienna Court Chapel directed by Dr. Rene Clemencic.

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Songs & Stories from Three Lands

Program: #14-05, Air Date: 01/27/14

Renaissance Italy and Petrarch settings; a remarkable Armenian troubadour; and Renaissance Nuremberg from royal court to the rise of humanism.

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Music from Switzerland–Ex Libris Doctoris Amerbachii

Program: #08-16, Air Date: 04/07/08

Music books collected by great humanist thinkers are a treasured window into the musical life of the Renaissance--this week, another Musiques Suisses project gives us music from the book of the great Basel legal philosopher (and music lover) Bonifacius Amerbach (1495-1562).

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